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Reader Submission: Path of the Female Legal Ninja

28 Nov


Today, in a brilliant submission, a female legal ninja reminds us that there is more than one path for a legal ninja.  Unfortunately, that path also involves an obnoxious amount of work.  Thanks for your submission…but fair warning…someone may have some beef with you…


Reader’s submission: Teaching Criminal Law

3 May

It’s that time again: when not so eager law students hibernate for three weeks in preparation for finals.  So, again, Legal Ninja is here to provide absolutely useless awesome study guides to get you all by.  Today, we have a reader who understands the seriousness of criminal law.  Mountains of case law, summed up in a brilliant collage – definitely legal ninja material.

Reader Submission: Dancing Partner

18 Sep

Today’s post comes from an associate working late:

“I was working with one the younger partners at the firm.  It was pretty late at night, but he still knew I was there and was working on his stuff.  I had finished what I was working on so I went up to check with him to see if I could leave.  His door was always open, so I just walked in.  When I did, I saw him dancing behind his desk.  He was all about it – almost skanking.  He saw me and just STOPPED.  There was a short awkward pause and then I asked him if I could leave.  He looked soooo embarrassed and instantly said yes.  Maybe I should have just called, lol.”

For those of you who don’t know, this is skanking.

Here is the thing – being a lawyer is tough.  Long hours, lots of stress, etc etc.  Partners work hard (sometimes) and when the shit hits the fan, it’s all on them.  So some partner needs to release some steam by dancing- that’s cool.  Just make sure you tell your associates so you don’t get caught in an embarrassing situation.  Otherwise, make sure you explain that, you what?  sometimes, you gotta dance:

Reader Submission: Lawyer Powers

11 Sep

One of the sweet advantages of being a lawyer is the power you have to scare the shit out of people.  Some people tremble at the frustrating nature of any legal process.  Others secretly believe that you, as a lawyer, are somehow in cahoots with the police and will get them in trouble.  Either way, everyone who is not a lawyer, fears you.  And it’s awesome – as this week’s reader’s submission shows:

I was having issues getting something I ordered online delivered, so I wrote them an email that explained why they should either give me a refund or have the item re-deiivered and the email ended with:

If I have not heard from you within 7 days I will have no choice but to initiate a formal dispute through PayPal. Thank you for your attention to this matter.Sincerely,
_______________, Esq.
Attorney at Law
Their reply was:
we will get back to you within 10min from now
Yay for lawyer powers!
Yay for lawyer powers indeed.  And yay to you – the first reader to submit to Legal Ninja.  Thanks!